For each of these classifications cadets study a variety of subjects including airmanship, navigation, first aid, communications, principles of flight, airframes and propulsion.
Each successive classification allows a cadet greater participation. For example, cadets must be First Class before they can take part in some activities such as UK annual camps, while Leading Cadets can participate in overseas activities.
Cadets who have achieved the Master Air Cadet classification have completed their academic training and can attain a BTEC Award in Aviation Studies.
Cadets can also qualify for various other BTEC awards through the training that is carried out at squadron.
Instructor cadets wear a yellow lanyard over their left shoulder, and are allowed to teach other cadets. Instructor cadet is not part of the classification system.

First Class
To be eligible to sit the First Class Cadet examination cadets must be enrolled and must have completed the syllabus for the subjects in the First Class Cadet Log Book.

To be eligible to sit the Leading Cadet examinations, a cadet must have been appointed as a First Class Cadet and have completed the appropriate syllabus training.

To be eligible to sit the Senior Cadet examinations, a cadet must have been appointed as a Leading Cadet and have completed the appropriate syllabus training.

To be eligible to sit the Master Air Cadet examinations, a cadet must have been appointed as a Senior Cadet and have completed the appropriate syllabus training including. Minimum age for Master air cadet is 15.

Instructor Cadet
To become an Instructor cadet you must have:
• Completed the Presentation skills course
• Completed the Cadet Method of Instruction Course
• Being assessed delivering a lesson in a training environment.